# JUNOS ## ConfigのTips - configure exclusive 他の人にconfigure modeに入らせない.排他的.configure exclusiveで未コミット変更があるにも関わらず抜けると,その変更は破棄される. 複数人で変更をするときはこれをつかうとよい. ## Virtual Chassis ### non-preprovisioned mode マスターRE(RE0)選定 起動するときにはすべてのスイッチで以下項目比較の元、マスターの選定が行われる Master 選定の優先順位: 1.マスターシップの優先順位が最も高い (0-255までの優先順位、デフォルト値は 128) > set virtual-chassis member mastership-priority 2.以前動作していたときにマスターに選定されていた 3.起動している時間が長い (起動している時間が1分以上違う場合) 4.MAC アドレスの小さいほう ※マスターが選定された後、マスターREと同じ選定方式により、バックアップREスイッチの選定が実施される\\ ### preprovisioned mode ``` set virtual-chassis preprovisioned set virtual-chassis member 0 role routing-engine set virtual-chassis member 0 serial-number 111111111111 set virtual-chassis member 1 role line-card set virtual-chassis member 1 serial-number 222222222222 set virtual-chassis member 2 role line-card set virtual-chassis member 2 serial-number 333333333333 set virtual-chassis member 3 role routing-engine ``` ### commands ``` set interface vme unit 0 family inet address
set virtual-chassis member 0 mastership-priority 255 request virtual-chassis vc-port (set|delete) pic-slot port show virtual-chassis status show virtual-chassis vc-port request virtual-chassis renumber member-id 5 new-member-id 4 request virtual-chassis reactivate request virtual-chassis recycle member-id request virtual-chassis renumber member-id new-member-id - vcステータス確認 show virtual-chassis status show virtual-chassis vc-port show virtual-chassis login ``` ### mixed mode vc ``` request virtual-chassis mode mixed request system reboot ``` ### おまじない ``` set chassis redundancy graceful-switchover set routing-options nonstop-routing set protocols layer2-control nonstop-bridging set system commit synchronize ``` - `set virtual-chassis no-split-detection` - [Juniper EXのSplit and Merge機能の功罪 - sidetech](http://blog.sidetech.jp/2014/12/05/182257) - split-brain, split-master にならないようにする. - たとえばipaddr重複とかしてたときによろしくない.(ex. irbとか) - [Understanding Split and Merge in a Virtual Chassis - TechLibrary - Juniper Networks](https://www.juniper.net/documentation/en_US/junos/topics/concept/virtual-chassis-ex4200-split-merge.html) ### LEDがおかしい. ``` show chassis alarms show system alarms show chassis led ``` - 何も考えずに`show chassis` 系と`show system` 系を叩くんだな. ## commit and-quit - commit成功したらそのまま抜けれて便利 ## commit commnet - コミットにコメントがつく - `show system commit` とかするときにわかりやすい. ## show system rollback compare - 1と2の差分を見る. ## configure exclusive - 誰にも編集させないぞ ## configのload - `load set terminal` - set 形式でloadできる. - `load merge terminal` - json 形式そのままload,既存のやつはmergeされるんだろうな.たぶん. - `load override terminal` - json 形式そのままload. 既存のやつをoverrideするんだろうな.たぶん. - だから編集した階層になにか既存configあったら消えちゃうから注意っぽい. ## interface-range ``` set interfaces interface-range VLAN100-grp member-range ge-0/0/1 to ge-0/0/11 set interfaces interface-range VLAN100-grp unit 0 family ethernet-switching vlan members 100 ``` - 上記のようにinterfaceをまとめて設定できる. - configにもrangeのまとまりで反映される. ``` interfaces { interface-range VLAN100-int { member-range ge-0/0/1 to ge-0/0/11; unit 0 { family ethernet-switching { vlan { members 100; } } } } } ``` ## wildcard range {set | delete} hogehoge [0-5] hugahuga - ex). `$ wildcard range set interfaces ge-0/0/[0-10] unit 0 family ethernet-switching access` - ワイルドかードでいれれて便利. - `!`not でexceptもできる. - `interface-range`との違いは展開されるかどうか.`interface-range`では展開されずにそのままconfigに入るが,これはset形式に展開されて入るので普通にsetで1つ1つのinterfaceに対して設定したのと同じconfigが入ることになる. ## monitor log message - `terminal monitor` です. ## replace pattern with - text1 を text2 に置換. - 今の階層以下にしか効かない. - 正規表現も使える. ## rename hoge to huga - その階層のお名前を変える. - 下の階層まで消して作り直したりしなくてよくて便利 ## mpls - [Using Salt with Network Devices - Part 2 |MPLSVPN - Moving Towards SDN and NFV Based Networks](http://www.mplsvpn.info/2018/04/using-salt-with-network-devices-part-2_21.html) ### disable と deactivateの違い - [JUNOS Disable vs Deactivate interfaces - Networkers-online.com](http://www.networkers-online.com/blog/2016/05/junos-disable-vs-deactivate/) ## traceoprionsでファイル作ったのを消したい. - 中身だけclear: `clear log ` - いやファイルごと消したいんだけど: ``` # start shell # rm /var/log/ # [y/n] ``` ## Chassis Clustor でnodeを切り替えたいんだが. - `request routing-engine login node 1` - `root@host-A% rlogin -T node1` ## request vmhost reboot - `request system reboot` では最近のcontrol planeがvmに乗っている機器だとhwはrebootしない.上記コマンドではhw(vmhost)ごとrebootする. ## 流量を見たくなったら - `monitor interface traffic` - `monitor interface ` ## sessionを消す ``` junos> clear security flow session ? Possible completions: <[Enter]> Execute this command all Clear all sessions application Application protocol name application-firewall Show application-firewall sessions application-traffic-control Show application-traffic-control sessions conn-tag Session connection tag (0..4294967295) destination-port Destination port (1..65535) destination-prefix Destination IP prefix or address family Protocol family idp IDP sessions interface Name of incoming or outgoing interface nat Sessions with network address translation protocol IP protocol number resource-manager Sessions with resource manager session-identifier Clear session with specified session identifier source-port Source port (1..65535) source-prefix Source IP prefix or address tunnel Tunnel sessions | Pipe through a command ``` ## port checker - [Port Checker - Juniper Networks](https://apps.juniper.net/home/port-checker/) ## vc-portのdiagnostics - `request virtual-chassis vc-port diagnostics optics` - `show virtual-chassis vc-port diagnostics optics` - `show virtual-chassis vc-port diagnostics optics ` - `match "(fpc|vcp|Module voltage |Receiver signal avarage|output power |Module temperature )"` あたりを併用すると見やすそう - example: ``` fpc0: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Virtual chassis port: vcp-255/2/1 Laser output power : 0.4520 mW / -3.45 dBm Module temperature : 30 degrees C / 86 degrees F Module voltage : 3.3650 V Laser output power : 0.4520 mW / -3.45 dBm Module temperature : 30 degrees C / 86 degrees F Virtual chassis port: vcp-255/2/2 Laser output power : 0.5210 mW / -2.83 dBm Module temperature : 30 degrees C / 86 degrees F Module voltage : 3.3640 V Laser output power : 0.5210 mW / -2.83 dBm Module temperature : 30 degrees C / 86 degrees F ``` ## chassis cluster組んでる時にほかのノードにlogin - `request routing-engine login node ` ## interface prefixes([Interface Naming Overview - TechLibrary - Juniper Networks](https://www.juniper.net/documentation/en_US/junos/topics/concept/interfaces-interface-naming-overview.html)) - ae: Aggregated Ethernet interface. This is a virtual aggregated link and has a different naming format from most PICs; for more information, see Aggregated Ethernet Interfaces Overview. - as: Aggregated SONET/SDH interface. This is a virtual aggregated link and has a different naming format from most PICs; for more information, see Configuring Aggregated SONET/SDH Interfaces. - at: ATM1 or ATM2 intelligent queuing (IQ) interface or a virtual ATM interface on a circuit emulation (CE) interface. - bcm: The bcm0 internal Ethernet process is supported on specific Routing engines for various M series and T series routers. For more information please refer the link titled Supported Routing Engines by Chassis under Related Documentation section. - cau4: Channelized AU-4 IQ interface (configured on the Channelized STM1 IQ or IQE PIC or Channelized OC12 IQ and IQE PICs). - ce1: Channelized E1 IQ interface (configured on the Channelized E1 IQ PIC or Channelized STM1 IQ or IQE PIC). - ci: Container interface. - coc1: Channelized OC1 IQ interface (configured on the Channelized OC12 IQ and IQE or Channelized OC3 IQ and IQE PICs). - coc3: Channelized OC3 IQ interface (configured on the Channelized OC3 IQ and IQE PICs). - coc12: Channelized OC12 IQ interface (configured on the Channelized OC12 IQ and IQE PICs). - coc48: Channelized OC48 interface (configured on the Channelized OC48 and Channelized OC48 IQE PICs). - cp: Collector interface (configured on the Monitoring Services II PIC). - cstm1: Channelized STM1 IQ interface (configured on the Channelized STM1 IQ or IQE PIC). - cstm4: Channelized STM4 IQ interface (configured on the Channelized OC12 IQ and IQE PICs). - cstm16: Channelized STM16 IQ interface (configured on the Channelized OC48/STM16 and Channelized OC48/STM16 IQE PICs). - ct1: Channelized T1 IQ interface (configured on the Channelized DS3 IQ and IQE PICs, Channelized OC3 IQ and IQE PICs, Channelized OC12 IQ and IQE PICs, or Channelized T1 IQ PIC). - ct3: Channelized T3 IQ interface (configured on the Channelized DS3 IQ and IQE PICs, Channelized OC3 IQ and IQE PICs, or Channelized OC12 IQ and IQE PICs). - demux: Interface that supports logical IP interfaces that use the IP source or destination address to demultiplex received packets. Only one demux interface (demux0) exists per chassis. All demux logical interfaces must be associated with an underlying logical interface. - dfc: Interface that supports dynamic flow capture processing on T Series or M320 routers containing one or more Monitoring Services III PICs. Dynamic flow capture enables you to capture packet flows on the basis of dynamic filtering criteria. Specifically, you can use this feature to forward passively monitored packet flows that match a particular filter list to one or more destinations using an on-demand control protocol. - ds: DS0 interface (configured on the Multichannel DS3 PIC, Channelized E1 PIC, Channelized OC3 IQ and IQE PICs, Channelized OC12 IQ and IQE PICs, Channelized DS3 IQ and IQE PICs, Channelized E1 IQ PIC, Channelized STM1 IQ or IQE PIC, or Channelized T1 IQ). - dsc: Discard interface. - e1: E1 interface (including channelized STM1-to-E1 interfaces). - e3: E3 interface (including E3 IQ interfaces). - em: Management and internal Ethernet interfaces. For M Series routers, MX Series routers, T Series routers, and TX Series routers, you can use the show chassis hardware command to display hardware information about the router, including its Routing Engine model. To determine which management interface is supported on your router and Routing Engine combination, see Understanding Management Ethernet Interfaces and Supported Routing Engines by Router. - es: Encryption interface. - et: 100-Gigabit Ethernet interfaces (10, 40, and 100-Gigabit Ethernet interface for PTX Series Packet Transport Routers only). - fe: Fast Ethernet interface. - fxp: Management and internal Ethernet interfaces. For M Series routers, MX Series routers, T Series routers, and TX Series routers, you can use the show chassis hardware command to display hardware information about the router, including its Routing Engine model. To determine which management interface is supported on your router and Routing Engine combination, see Understanding Management Ethernet Interfaces and Supported Routing Engines by Router. - ge: Gigabit Ethernet interface. - gr: Generic routing encapsulation (GRE) tunnel interface. - gre: Internally generated interface that is configurable only as the control channel for Generalized MPLS (GMPLS). For more information about GMPLS, see the MPLS Applications Feature Guide. - ip: IP-over-IP encapsulation tunnel interface. - ipip: Internally generated interface that is not configurable. - ixgbe: The internal Ethernet process ixgbe0 and ixgbe1 are used by the RE-DUO-C2600-16G Routing Engine, which is supported on TX Matrix Plus and PTX5000. - iw: Logical interfaces associated with the endpoints of Layer 2 circuit and Layer 2 VPN connections (pseudowire stitching Layer 2 VPNs). For more information about VPNs, see the Junos OS VPNs Library for Routing Devices. - lc: Internally generated interface that is not configurable. - lo: Loopback interface. The Junos OS automatically configures one loopback interface (lo0). The logical interface lo0.16383 is a nonconfigurable interface for router control traffic. - ls: Link services interface. - lsi: Internally generated interface that is not configurable. - ml: Multilink interface (including Multilink Frame Relay and MLPPP). - mo: Monitoring services interface (including monitoring services and monitoring services II). The logical interface mo-fpc/pic/port.16383 is an internally generated, nonconfigurable interface for router control traffic. - ms: Multiservices interface. - mt: Multicast tunnel interface (internal router interface for VPNs). If your router has a Tunnel PIC, the Junos OS automatically configures one multicast tunnel interface (mt) for each virtual private network (VPN) you configure. Although it is not necessary to configure multicast interfaces, you can use the multicast-only statement to configure the unit and family so that the tunnel can transmit and receive multicast traffic only. For more information, see multicast-only. - mtun: Internally generated interface that is not configurable. - oc3: OC3 IQ interface (configured on the Channelized OC12 IQ and IQE PICs or Channelized OC3 IQ and IQE PICs). - pd: Interface on the rendezvous point (RP) that de-encapsulates packets. - pe: Interface on the first-hop PIM router that encapsulates packets destined for the RP router. - pimd: Internally generated interface that is not configurable. - pime: Internally generated interface that is not configurable. - rlsq: Container interface, numbered from 0 through 127, used to tie the primary and secondary LSQ PICs together in high availability configurations. Any failure of the primary PIC results in a switch to the secondary PIC and vice versa. - rms: Redundant interface for two multiservices interfaces. - rsp: Redundant virtual interface for the adaptive services interface. - se: Serial interface (including EIA-530, V.35, and X.21 interfaces). - si: Services-inline interface, which is hosted on a Trio-based line card. - so: SONET/SDH interface. - sp: Adaptive services interface. The logical interface sp-fpc/pic/port.16383 is an internally generated, nonconfigurable interface for router control traffic. - stm1: STM1 interface (configured on the OC3/STM1 interfaces). - stm4: STM4 interface (configured on the OC12/STM4 interfaces). - stm16: STM16 interface (configured on the OC48/STM16 interfaces). - t1: T1 interface (including channelized DS3-to-DS1 interfaces). - t3: T3 interface (including channelized OC12-to-DS3 interfaces). - tap: Internally generated interface that is not configurable. - umd: USB modem interface. - vsp: Voice services interface. - vc4: Virtually concatenated interface. - vt: Virtual loopback tunnel interface. - xe: 10-Gigabit Ethernet interface. Some older 10-Gigabit Ethernet interfaces use the ge media type (rather than xe) to identify the physical part of the network device. - xt: Logical interface for Protected System Domains to establish a Layer 2 tunnel connection. ## deactivate vs disable in JUNOS - disable: admin-down.config自体は生きている. - deactivate: configがdeactivateされると思えば良い.入っていない状態となる.factory defaultがadmin-upならifはadmin-upになる. - たとえばSFPからの光を出したくない場合はdisableにするべきか.deacだとadmin-upなので光は出してしまうことになる.ただ,configを入れなければならないのはちょっとな.... - JUNOS,factory defaultがadmin-upということはSFPさした瞬間に(configが入っていなくても)光が出てくるということなんだよね.うーん. - ref: [JUNOS Disable vs Deactivate interfaces - Networkers-online.com](http://www.networkers-online.com/blog/2016/05/junos-disable-vs-deactivate/) ## junos chassis clustor - clustor id: 同じl2 domainに複数のclustor id は混在できない.clustor id は1-15まで.同じl2には15clustor参加できる. - rethのmacにclustor idが入る. - node id: 0 or 1. - クラスタ解除時は,operation modeでclustorを解除しなければならない. - clustor idとnode idはEPROMに保存される. ### ノード固有のコンフィグ - 基本クラスタ内では,同じコンフィグレーションを保持しつづける. - コンフィグは,原則,Primary側で実施する. - コンフィグのnode 独自区分は,ノード番号(EPROMに保存)により示される. - どのノードがどのグループ所属するなどを定義するためには,JUNOSグループ機能を利用する. - ノード固有のコンフィグには,以下が含まれる. - fxp0のコンフィグ:マネージメントポート - システム名(ホストネーム) - バックアップルータIPアドレス ### Cluster IDとNode IDの設定 - オペレーションモードにて,以下コマンドを設定します。 - `プライマリーノード` – `lab@srx-1> set chassis cluster cluster-id 1 node 0 [reboot]` - `セカンダリーノード` – `lab@srx-1 > set chassis cluster cluster-id 1 node 1 [reboot]` - これらの情報はEPROMに保存される.設定を反映させるには,リブートが必要. – `lab@srx-1> request system reboot` - クラスタモードを無効化するには,`cluster-id 0`または,`disable`を設定し,リブートが必要. – `lab@srx-1 > set chassis cluster disable reboot` – `lab@srx-1 > set chassis cluster-id 0 node 0 reboot` ### manual failover - `request chassis cluster failover redundancygroup 1 node 0` - manual がyesになる.これだと自動failover しないっぽい. ``` network@test_primary> show chassis cluster status Monitor Failure codes: CS Cold Sync monitoring FL Fabric Connection monitoring GR GRES monitoring HW Hardware monitoring IF Interface monitoring IP IP monitoring LB Loopback monitoring MB Mbuf monitoring NH Nexthop monitoring NP NPC monitoring SP SPU monitoring SM Schedule monitoring CF Config Sync monitoring Cluster ID: 71 Node Priority Status Preempt Manual Monitor-failures Redundancy group: 0 , Failover count: 1 node0 255 primary no yes None node1 50 secondary-hold no yes None Redundancy group: 1 , Failover count: 1 node0 100 primary yes no None node1 50 secondary yes no None ``` - `request chassis cluster failover reset redundancy-group 0` ``` network@test_primary> show chassis cluster status Monitor Failure codes: CS Cold Sync monitoring FL Fabric Connection monitoring GR GRES monitoring HW Hardware monitoring IF Interface monitoring IP IP monitoring LB Loopback monitoring MB Mbuf monitoring NH Nexthop monitoring NP NPC monitoring SP SPU monitoring SM Schedule monitoring CF Config Sync monitoring Cluster ID: 71 Node Priority Status Preempt Manual Monitor-failures Redundancy group: 0 , Failover count: 1 node0 100 primary no no None node1 50 secondary-hold no no None Redundancy group: 1 , Failover count: 1 node0 100 primary yes no None node1 50 secondary yes no None ``` ### preemptしたいとき - `set chassis cluster redundancy-group 1 preempt` ### commands - `show chassis cluster interface` - `show chassis cluster status` - `show chassis cluster statistics` - `show chassis cluster control-plane statistics` - `show chassis cluster data-plane statistics` - `request routing-engine login node 0` - `set chassis cluster control-link-recovery`: control-linkのauto recovery.これいれないとコントロールリンク復帰してもsecondary rebootせねばならない. - `set chassis cluster redundancy-group 0 hold-down-interval 420` - `set chassis cluster redundancy-group 1 preempt delay 300 limit 10 period 600` - TODO: RTO(Run Time Object)メッセージについて調べてまとめる. - RTOって要するにsession情報とかをHA機器間でやり取りするメッセージだ. - コンフィグ情報, 動的に生成されるTCP/UDPセッション,IPsecのSA,ARPテーブル,DNSキャッシュ,DHCPの割り当て情報などの動的に生成される情報をRTOと呼ぶ. ## srxのdhcpにoptionをぶっこむ - たとえば時刻系 - Option 042 refers to NTP (RFC 1769) - Option 004 refers to TIME/ITP (RFC 868) - `set access address-assignment pool pool_1 family inet dhcp-attributes option 42 array ip-address xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx` ## junos config parser - junoser - [GitHub - codeout/junoser: PEG parser for JUNOS configuration.](https://github.com/codeout/junoser) - https://codeout.hatenablog.com/entry/2017/10/26/210810 ### juniper exのLAG - Static Link Aggregation: Trunk - Dynamic Aggregation: LACP - Trunkの設定 - set chassis aggregated-devices ethernet device-count 1 - junosはaeのindexをここを参照して作ってる?要調査. - set interfaces ae0 unit 0 family ethernet-switching - set interfaces ge-0/0/1 ether-options 802.3ad ae0 - unit 配下は必要ない. - set interfaces ge-0/0/2 ether-options 802.3ad ae0 - set interfaces ae0 unit 0 family ethernet-switching port-mode access - set interfaces ae0 unit 0 family ethernet-switching vlan members vlanxxxx - 後は普通のinterfaceと同様に扱う. - TODO: なにがちがうんだっけ. ## tunnel services - `set chassis fpc slot-number pic number tunnel-services bandwidth ` - greとかipipとかで終端した時の帯域っぽい. ## ping - junos - `ping ttl 1 rapid do-not-fragment count 2000 size 1472` - v6のときmtuからいくつ引くんだっけ. ## junos bgp - `add-path` - add-pathはbgpのactive経路以外もadvertiseしたい/receiveしたいときに使う. - `advertise-inactive` - advertise-inactiveはbgp経路がactive経路(best)じゃなくてもadveertiseする. - `remove-private` - remove-privateはebgpにadvertiseするとき,as-pathからprivate-as numをremoveして広告する. - ASパスの左端(ASパスが最後に追加された場所)のプライベートASパスから削除される. - 最初の非プライベートASまたはピアのプライベートASが見つかると、プライベートASの検索を停止する. - ASパスに外部BGP(EBGP)ネイバーのAS番号が含まれている場合、BGPはプライベートAS番号を削除しない. - `as-override` - advertiseする際にas-pathにneighbor-ASが 含まれる場合に自ASにoverrideしてadvertiseする. - VRFを切った MP-BGP/MPLS VPN等で多用される(CEが同一AS-numを持つため). どうやら直前のas-path以外も,かぶってさえいれば自AS numに書き換えるようだ. - [VPN MPLS-VPN as-override | Logs](https://www.sash.jp/vpn-mpls-vpn-as-override) ## algの動作がわからん. - application level gateway. nat処理等を実施する場合にパケットヘッダのみの変換では十分でないアプリケーション等がある場合,そのアプリケーションのペイロードデータに対しても変換を行う機能っぽい. ## junos のstorm-control - [Understanding Storm Control - TechLibrary - Juniper Networks](https://www.juniper.net/documentation/en_US/junos/topics/concept/rate-limiting-storm-control-understanding.html) - bandwidth-levelになったら bumだけ切ってくれるっぽい.明示的にaction, shutとかlogとかしなくてもbumだけPolicingしてくれるっぽい.デフォでloggingされる.action-shutはデフォでしない. ## junosのvcにおけるmeの扱い - [[EX] How to troubleshoot the Virtual Chassis (VC) management ethernet interface (VME) - Juniper Networks](https://kb.juniper.net/InfoCenter/index?page=content&id=KB25724&actp=METADATA) ## srx high-availability - [7. High Availability - Juniper SRX Series [Book]](https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/juniper-srx-series/9781449339029/ch07.html) ## haltとpower-offのちがい - `request system power-off` - 電源をOFFにする - `request system halt` - いつでも電源断ready(=プラグ抜いていい)だが,何か入力があると起動する. ## [Juniper SRX 日本語マニュアル - 26. Traffic LoggingのCLI設定](https://www.juniper.net/assets/jp/jp/local/pdf/additional-resources/traffic-logging.pdf) ## juniper srcでhitするポリシを見る. - `show security match-policies ...` を使う. - ポリシにmatchするかしないかが定まるだけの情報を引数に与える必要がある. - 多くの場合,src/dst-zone, src/dst-ip/ src/dst-port, protocolでいい塩梅なきがする. - ex.) `show security match-policies from-zone z1 to-zone z2 source-ip destination-ip source-port 1 destination-port 21 protocol tcp` - ref: [show security match-policies - TechLibrary - Juniper Networks](https://www.juniper.net/documentation/en_US/junos/topics/reference/command-summary/show-security-match-policies.html) ## juniperのpvst - vstpと言う名前らしい. - [Configuring VSTP Protocol - TechLibrary - Juniper Networks](https://www.juniper.net/documentation/en_US/junos/topics/topic-map/spanning-tree-configuring-vstp.html)