# 202207 ## DH-group/cypher suites/strongswan config ``` DH-group/cypher suites/strongswan config/remarks group1 / 768-bit Modular Exponential (MODP) algorithm. group2 / 1024-bit MODP algorithm. group5 / 1536-bit MODP algorithm. group14 / 2048-bit MODP group. group15 / 3072-bit MODP algorithm. group16 / 4096-bit MODP algorithm. group19 / 256-bit random Elliptic Curve Groups modulo a Prime (ECP groups) algorithm. group20 / 384-bit random ECP groups algorithm. group21 / 521-bit random ECP groups algorithm. group24 / 2048-bit MODP Group with 256-bit prime order subgroup. ``` - We recommend that you use group14, group15, group16, group19, group20, or group21 instead of group1, group2, or group5. - ref: [dh-group (Security IKE) | Junos OS | Juniper Networks](https://www.juniper.net/documentation/us/en/software/junos/vpn-ipsec/topics/ref/statement/security-edit-dh-group.html) ## [リアルタイム共同編集のアルゴリズム (Operational Transformation; OT) を理解する試み – RORO](https://ciscorn.net/2021/08/30/ot/) - [I was wrong. CRDTs are the future](https://josephg.com/blog/crdts-are-the-future/) ## [美しい風景 | BEAUPAYSAGE × haruka nakamura](https://www.beaupaysage.com/) ## [dbdiagram.io - Database Relationship Diagrams Design Tool](https://dbdiagram.io/) ## [GitHub - k1LoW/tbls: tbls is a CI-Friendly tool for document a database, written in Go.](https://github.com/k1LoW/tbls) ## [OSGi Working Group | The Eclipse Foundation](https://www.osgi.org/) ## [Versatile & Robust Project Management Software | Wrike](https://www.wrike.com/) ## [GitHub - noib3/dotfiles: Procrastinating has never felt this productive](https://github.com/noib3/dotfiles) ## [Cytoscape.js](https://js.cytoscape.org/) ## [millefoglie Ⅱ P25 | m+ online](https://m-piu.com/catalog/millefoglie2-p25/) ## MX ANYWHERE 3の静音化 - [テレワーク環境改善計画 ― マウス編:MX Master 3 / MX ANYWHERE 3 のうるさいクリック音を静音化。 : おShinoブ](http://blog.livedoor.jp/shino_b/archives/10356201.html) - [Logi MX anywhere 3 クリック静穏化 | らてろぐ](https://ratelog.net/noise-reduction-logi-mx-anywhere3/) ## [Z ジンファンデル ソノマ・カウンティ 2016(750ml): ワイン|ワイン通販・専門店 ヴィノスやまざき](https://www.v-yamazaki.co.jp/shop/g/gC10-38/) ## [CLASSIC BT - ESP32 - — ESP-IDF Programming Guide latest documentation](https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-idf/en/latest/esp32/api-reference/bluetooth/classic_bt.html) ## 前方参照と後方参照 - 前方参照: (?=) - ex: ABCD => AB(?=CD) (match: AB) - 否定的前方参照: (?!) - ex: ABCE => AB(?=CD) (match: AB) - 後方参照: (?>=) - ex: ABCD => (?<=AB)CD (match: CD) - 否定的後方参照: (? (?